390th Bomb Group, 571st squadron, Crew 74 (later assigned to 570th squadron)
Top Row (L-R): Bill Riley, Pilot, New York
Lt. Robert Fowler, Co-Pilot, Hamlin, TX
Lt. Ed Kodis, Navigator, California
Robert "Red" Mulloy, Bombadier, Oregon
Bottom Row (L-R)
Frank Marianni, Tail Gunner, New York
Walter Fura, Waist Gunner
Ray Brooks, Top Sgt. Top Turret Gunner, Washington
Ed Carboneau, Waist Gunner
Bob Hansen, Radio Operator
Roy Sell, Ball Turret Gunner
Mascot "Ground Loop"
B17-G, Serial no. 42-37763
Shot down December 20, 1943 on bombing mission to Bremen, Germany.
Kodis KIA, the rest were all POW.
Thanks to the 390th BG museum for the mission and plane specs!
Ellington Field Class 43-G group photo, near Houston in 1943. This is where Robert earned his wings before training with his crew in a B-17 in Walla, Walla, WA.
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